Course Catalog
- CEE 351 Geotechnical Engineering
- CEE 452/598 Foundations
- CEE 550 Soil Behavior
- CEE 551 Advanced Geotechnical Testing
- CEE 552 Soil Improvement
- CEE 553 Advanced Soil Mechanics
- CEE 554 Shear Strength and Slop Stability
- CEE 555 Advanced Foundations
- CEE 556 Seepage and Earth Dams
- CEE 557 Landfill and Waste Containment System Design
- CEE 558 Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- CEE 559 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- CEE 598 Geotechnical Aspects of Pavements
- CEE 598 Biogeotechnical Engineering
- CEE 598 Connecting Research to the Broader Community
- CEE 494/598 Bio-inspired Design
- CEE 494/598 Engineering Geology
- CEE 494/598 Earth Structures (from non-geotech majors)
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